Sir Hilary

    Sir Hilary first came into existence in A Discreet Exorcism , a story published in StrangePulp, a magazine distributed at OASIS25 in Orlando in May 2012.  You can bring up a pdf file of the story by clicking on the title.  The version published here is a bit shorter than that in StrangePulp, but I decided I preferred this one.  Our protagonist was introduced to readers thus:

    Sir Hilary Ashenden’s apartment on the twentieth floor of the Royal Patagonian had a magnificent view of the Hudson. To be sure, one might notice something odd about the winged stone lions that flanked the balcony. One might. Most never did. The lions had a kind of Assyrian cast that seemed at variance with the rococo ornamentation of the Royal Patagonian’s exterior. Yet a more telling judgment of the quality of any home is its interior, and the elliptical living room with its alcoves filled with obscure and sometimes deadly artifacts gave the apartment an undeniably charming air.

    Sir Hilary was a tall, spare man, his skin brown as old leather, his nose prominent as an eagle’s beak. He lounged against the wall and peered through slitted eyes at his two visitors.

    Sir Hilary describes himself as a “private metaphysical consultant,” and he seems to be a favorite of people who have heard my stories.
    A second Sir Hilary story, Mazarvan, can be found in The Blue-Haired Shadow and Other Tales , an e-book which has, for the time being, been taken down but will hopefully be put up again later with more stories.  There is a third Sir Hillary story, Fishbowls, which is floating around in the ether.